
Showing posts from 2006

Banskies are everywhere...............

Ok - let me share something BIZZARE with you........... The other day i was driving through Edensor Park. I was running late (surprise surprise) and I see an Asian woman walking along holding her 3 year olds hand. I thought to myself 'that woman has a jacket on like our old studio jackets, she must have gotten it at best and less too'. As I zoom past (and those that know me well know that I would have been zooming) I realise... SHE IS WEARING A "BANKS SCHOOL SCOTTISH DANCERS" Jacket!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!!! How amazing is that!!! If I hadn't been so late I would have stopped the car and said 'excuse me, do you realise you are wearing my dancing studio jacket - as in MY DANCING STUDIO!!!! Where on earth did you get it?' I am assuming that it was some ex dancers who lived around those parts and has put it in an op-shop bag. Weird hey!!!!!!!!! This is the wee dancer that is on the back of the jacket....

What is Highland Dancing??????????

Some Basic Positions.....


Kirstin, Averil, Sarah, Ceilidh and I travelled to New Plymouth for the girls to compete in the inaugural NZ Championships. They all did fabulously well (cept poor K who couldn't dance cause she had a broken foot - but came anyway as her ticket was paid for!) Here are some happy snaps!! Trip t0 New Plymouth Championships in New Zealand. April 2006

Weddings - Parties - Anything.....

Welcome to the Banks School Scottish Dancers Website. We are a group of dancers from tots to adults who dance competitively as well as for fitness and fun!